How Blogging Fits into your Real Estate Digital Marketing Strategy
How Blogging Fits into your Real Estate Digital Marketing Strategy
By EZ Flipbook Creator Pro Added Thu, Mar 12 2020 By EZ Flipbook Creator ProAdded Thu, Mar 12 2020
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Traditional marketing hinges on sales pitches and quick interrupters to gain your attention. In the age of digital marketing where people can quickly wade through hundreds of websites and real estate agents, the cream will rise to the top. The modern age of marketing is all about providing value and gaining customer trust.
One of the most notable benefits of content marketing is becoming a figurehead in your industry. When it comes to real estate you should not only become a figurehead in your industry but also in your community.
For most people, buying a house or a piece of real estate is a very important decision in their lives. It is usually the product of a lot of careful thought and planning, so you are unlikely to gain a ton of traffic through simple advertisements.
When it comes to boosting your digital presence, content marketing through blogging provides some of the longest term results.
It also helps by your business by making you take an introspective approach to research topics in your industry.
Through writing and curation of informative thought pieces, you can garner a following of prospective home buyers. More often than not, you develop this audience long before your followers are even in the market to buy a home. Your current business plan most likely incorporates some sort of pipeline or lead generation system. So think of this as another piston in the engine.
Here are a few topics for example:
- Here’s what to do If Your Tenant Abandons your Property
- 10 Things You Probably Haven’t Thought of When Buying a Home
- Why [Your Location]’s Housing Market in on the Up and Coming
- Checklist of Priorities When Finding a Real Estate Agent
The list is endless, but you get the point. Try to find a balance between your audiences as well. More research focused articles will be geared towards fellow movers and shakers in your industry. Articles that showcase your expertise would be especially beneficial in the commercial real estate realm.
Community and home buying articles will probably cater towards a consumer demographic. It’s up to you to decide what sort of image you want to portray. But know that creating intellectual value is what matters when blogging. It’s an after-hours approach to traditional sales methods.
Now, building a content portfolio isn’t the only cog in the digital marketing wheel. You need to understand the platforms you should be active on and how to promote yourself using those tools. If you want a more in depth guide on how blogging will be your best friend for real estate digital marketing, check out this article on how to capture more leads and gain clients.
Traditional marketing hinges on sales pitches and quick interrupters to gain your attention. In the age of digital marketing where people can quickly wade through hundreds of websites and real estate agents, the cream will rise to the top. The modern age of marketing is all about providing value and gaining customer trust.
One of the most notable benefits of content marketing is becoming a figurehead in your industry. When it comes to real estate you should not only become a figurehead in your industry but also in your community.
For most people, buying a house or a piece of real estate is a very important decision in their lives. It is usually the product of a lot of careful thought and planning, so you are unlikely to gain a ton of traffic through simple advertisements.
When it comes to boosting your digital presence, content marketing through blogging provides some of the longest term results.
It also helps by your business by making you take an introspective approach to research topics in your industry.
Through writing and curation of informative thought pieces, you can garner a following of prospective home buyers. More often than not, you develop this audience long before your followers are even in the market to buy a home. Your current business plan most likely incorporates some sort of pipeline or lead generation system. So think of this as another piston in the engine.
Here are a few topics for example:
- Here’s what to do If Your Tenant Abandons your Property
- 10 Things You Probably Haven’t Thought of When Buying a Home
- Why [Your Location]’s Housing Market in on the Up and Coming
- Checklist of Priorities When Finding a Real Estate Agent
The list is endless, but you get the point. Try to find a balance between your audiences as well. More research focused articles will be geared towards fellow movers and shakers in your industry. Articles that showcase your expertise would be especially beneficial in the commercial real estate realm.
Community and home buying articles will probably cater towards a consumer demographic. It’s up to you to decide what sort of image you want to portray. But know that creating intellectual value is what matters when blogging. It’s an after-hours approach to traditional sales methods.
Now, building a content portfolio isn’t the only cog in the digital marketing wheel. You need to understand the platforms you should be active on and how to promote yourself using those tools. If you want a more in depth guide on how blogging will be your best friend for real estate digital marketing, check out this article on how to capture more leads and gain clients.
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